N-House Pitch Night AY2020/21 Sem 2

6 min readMay 16, 2021


Written by: Clyde (N-House Resident Assistant for AY2020/21 Sem 2) and Sylvia (N-House Resident for AY2020/21 Sem 2)

N-House Pitch Night AY20/21 Sem 2 Banner

Once again we have arrived at our flagship event for every semester of N-House, Pitch Night! Fortunately, with the slight lifting of the COVID measures, the team is thankful to be able to organize a physical event. This semester, we have 8 teams participating in Pitch Night! It was a very insightful event as we get to hear interesting solutions to real life problems like new ways to get dates, AI tech that helps improve mental health, and a multiplayer game that teaches where players collaboratively engage with complex, ill-structured problems.

Of course, what’s a competition without judges? For this round of Pitch Night, we are delighted to have Kenneth Lou (Co-Founder & CEO @ Seedly), Ajith Isaac (Investment Manager @ STRIVE Venture Capital), Lauren Teo (Associate @ Cocoon Capital), and Amir Nivy (Resident Mentor @ N-House, NUS) joining us as judges.

From left to right: Ajith Isaac, Amir Nivy, Kenneth Lou, Lauren Teo

For this Pitch Night, we have invited 8 teams to pitch their ideas. Each team had 5 minutes of pitching to present their questions and 3 minutes of Q&A to answer all the judges’ questions. The top 3 winning teams of the night would be granted the following prizes:

Feature of company and project across NUS Enterprise Newsletter and publications
Green Lane to pitch for S$10K grant

Besides, all the teams that participated in the Pitch Night will get $5K worth of AWS credits, useful advice from our judges and mentors to develop their projects. Without further ado, let’s proceed and move on to the main stars of the night, the participating teams!


VideR. Transform Video into Recommendations.

VideR is a one-stop mobile platform providing users with customized food recommendations and targeted deals, empowered by user-generated content.

VideR is founded by Jed Lee Woon Kiat (Business Analytics) and Ng Zhi Cai (Computer Science), who will be starting their NOC journey in the upcoming AY2021/22 Semester 1 under NOC Silicon Valley (NCSV40). The initiation of the idea will be pursued while they embark on their NOC journey. Here are some words from Jed:

“With the increasing connectivity and widespread use of social media, we at VideR, saw an opportunity to transform user-generated content to something much more with the use of deep technology.”


RefRef. Refer your friends. Refill your wallet.

RefRef is a consumer-focused referral program where consumers are able to easily accumulate cash as a referral reward in our all-in-one platform, while merchants can engage with our unique referral program’s customer base.


Feel free to reach out to RefRef if you are a small scale merchant trying to grow your business online through referrals! From their MVP launch, RefRef is offering to help you set up your website online or integrate their referral program into your website if you already have one. Feel free to also reach out to nelson@refref.app to find out more! RefRef has also launched a MVP, so kickstart your journey by visiting refref.app (https://refref.app/).


méipó. A person who arranges marriages or initiates romantic relationships between others.

A friendship-powered matchmaking platform that makes credible, reliable matches faster with the help of your trusted friends.

As Meiipo is an idea started out from a group during their NOC journey, the team is working hard to improve the idea! Do support by providing feedback about the idea by scanning the QR code above or clicking the link here (https://bit.ly/MeiipoPitchNight)! To find out more about Meiipo, check out the replay with the link at the end of the page.


LookUp. Career fulfilment through self discovery and meaningful connections.

LookUp is a platform to help users attain career fulfillment by learning from others’ experiences and building meaningful connections.

The team behind LookUp is also keen on turning their idea into reality, such that they are building a prototype! If you’re keen to check them out, click here (https://lookup-demo.herokuapp.com/discover)!

LitFam (2nd)

Litmus Box. Vlog. Reflect. Grow.

Litmus Box: An A.I. video journaling device for mental health patients that improves their mental well-being and aids in the work of medical professionals.

A simple prototype developed to show the workings by LitFam.

Currently, LitFam is working to improve the prototype as the team next plan is to roll out the MVP in a pilot project, collaborating with NUS University Health Centre, as well as the Alice Lee Centre for Nursing Studies. Keen to have a more in-depth understanding of Litmus Box by LitFam? Check them out by clicking the link here (https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1tssdsIlbrMRtclKbi4EBDIYGRsuG6uPuMhemb5Jv4R8/edit#slide=id.gc7c248bb92_2_1003)!

Crater (3rd)

If you have a design in mind, reach out to the team @cratersg on Instagram!

Crater aims to help artists create and sell their own merch easily with little to no capital. Users can design their own merch while Crater handles production, marketing, fulfilment, and even customer service!

Crater’s first merch collection “Fur-iend in Need” seeks to raise funds for shelter animals.

The team behind the platform has pitched well in the event, which led them to 3rd place in Pitch Night! Crater’s current merch collection includes tote bags, coasters, hats, stickers and much more! The team is also working hard to launch an upcoming student creator collection. Check them out with the links here!
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cratersg/
Website: https://www.cratermerch.com/collections/all
P.S. Crater is expanding their team so feel free to contact them if you are keen to join!


Set the love boat sailing~

AnchorUp is a platform for wingmen to matchmake their single friends.

Follow & subscribe for more updates!

The team behind AnchorUp is also currently working hard to release their prototype as a Telegram bot to test the feasibility of the idea. Keen to give an alternate form of digital dating a shot? Do subscribe to their Telegram channel to be updated on the MVP release and keep track of AnchorUp’s progress here (https://t.me/anchorup_channel)!

ARISE (1st)


Emergence is a multi-player video game where players collaboratively engage with complex, ill-structured problems.

EMERGENCE by ARISE is spearheaded by our N-House resident Celeste Chang. Celeste has impressed the judges with her idea of finding new ways of using technology to educate, which led her to be the main winner of the night. Here are some words from Celeste:

“N-House Pitch Night was a validation of our vision — to make EdTech games better than ‘chocolate-coated broccoli ‘ (endearing on the outside but nasty when you get into it).”

Once again, congratulations to all the participants who have participated in Pitch Night, and appreciation to our amazing judges and planning committee. Great ideas that change the world need time to seek, to strive, and to grow. Our participating residents have been working hard from weeks to even months to solve real-world problems and create future opportunities, and Pitch Night, is an opportunity where N-house residents show their entrepreneurial talents, is the telescope that allows us to see and support these rising stars!

Photo was taken with safe distancing measures applied :)

Didn’t managed to attend the event? Or wish to catch those amazing pitches again? Check out the recording of the event here (https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?v=239132404628776&ref=watch_permalink)!

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Written by N-House

Welcome to NUS N-House (KR & SH), the place where entrepreneurial minds meet and live next to each other. Find out more at https://www.instagram.com/nus.nhouse.

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