Pitch Night is the flagship event for N-House. For the first time, we hosted a virtual pitch session on Zoom and Facebook Live! With more than 100 audience on zoom and over a thousand views on Facebook, virtual Pitch Night AY1920 Sem 2 garnered positive responses and witnessed many interactions between the audience too. We were honored to invite Mr. David Ding, Mr Felix Tang and Miss Ee Ling Lim to be the judges for our 8 teams up for the pitch.
For this Pitch Night, we have invited 8 teams to pitch their ideas. The winner of Pitch Night 2019 will get a fast track to receiving the $10,000 practicum grant as well as support from NUS Enterprise. Each team had 5 minutes of pitching to present their questions and 3 minutes of Q&A to answer all the judges’ questions.
The 8 teams pitched very interesting ideas of various topics, ranging from sustainability to mental health. Here is a short description of their pitch!
Team Wasteplus
A platform that incentivizes sustainable waste disposal by rewarding households and businesses in order to create a formal waste collection value chain through a collaborative model.
Team Kopi C
Kopi-C is a business newsletter which provides bite sized news covering sectors such as Finance, Economy, Politics ,Technology and Homefront (Singapore). Kopi-C’s target audience are University students and Young Working Adults.
Team Elevate
ELEVATE is an AI-driven curated itinerary management platform for travel professionals.
Team Taby
An e-wallet designed for teenagers aim to cultivate good management habits
Team AskU
A platform that is targeted towards providing fast, affordable and reliable help on assignments for university students by university students.
Sustainable, Ethical, Plant-based platform to make eco-shopping easy.
Team Climbpass
Tiktok for climbing
Team IF
A mobile application that allows for anonymous conversations between individuals, matching users based on their demographics and psychographics and fostering a community of peer supporters in response to the growing rate of depression and suicide among Singaporeans.
It was a tough decision and in the end, the judges decided to give 3 teams the Green Lane access to the $10,000 grant! We would like to congratulate (in no particular order) Taby, PoweredbyPlants and Climbpass for winning Pitch Night! Other than the winning award, PoweredbyPlants also won the audience choice!
Thank you all for participating in Pitch Night and we look forward to bringing you more exciting events in the upcoming semesters! If you have missed the session and would like to watch more, the full Pitch Night is up on N-House’s Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NHouse.sg/videos/209043883750887/
Do follow us for more events!