N-House Flagship Event: Pitch Night AY2021/22 Sem 2

4 min readMay 25, 2022


Written by: Wee Liang (AY 21/22 Sem 2 Resident and Marcomms Writer)
Reviewed by: Michelle (AY 21/22 Sem 2 Resident Assistant)

Publicity Poster for the N-House Pitch Night AY2021/22 Sem 2

Back in March, N-house held its flagship and highly anticipated event of the semester, N-House Pitch Night AY 2021/22 (Semester 2)! In total, 6 teams of budding entrepreneurs gave their all in the pitches, which were judged by a star-studded panel: Mr Tiang Lim Foo (Co-Founder and Partner of Forge Ventures, NCSV Batch 15), Mr Kelly Choo (Founding Partner of True Global Ventures | NCBV Batch 6) and Mr Mohan Belani (Co-Founder and CEO of e27, NCSV Batch 10). In true entrepreneurial fashion, these teams addressed issues spanning many industries, from F&B to healthcare, and from property rentals to content creation.

Motivating these teams were prizes for the top 3 teams. The first and second runner ups each received a Green Lane for a S$10K Venture Initiation Programme (VIP) Grant, Dedoco Growth Plan 6 Months Membership, Hona.io 12-Month Pro Membership and an opportunity for a 6-month Hangar Incubation. In addition to these prizes, the top team walked away with a $5K NOC Alumni Odyssey Grant! These prizes would not have been possible without the valuable sponsorship from Dedoco, a decentralised digital document and workflow management platform seeking to transform the way organisations manage document workflows, and Honā, a Web 3.0 accountability platform with a mission to help entrepreneurs and professionals honour commitments, achieve goals and build skills on the blockchain.

And now, introducing the teams of this semester’s Flagship Pitch Night Competition.

First, we have the champion team: Skittle.

Skittle is led by Austin Khong, Xavier Liew, Denise Ng and Cacherel Ong. It aims to simplify operations and invent superior guest experiences for F&B merchants through automation.

Next, we have the 1st First Runner-up: Minatic.

Minatic is headed by Wang Ziyi, Nirat Rajpal and Pawandeep Singh. Minatic helps businesses digitally transform their operations by presenting verbal information in a meeting minutes template through an automated text transcription tool for minutes note-taking in meetings.

And for our 2nd Runner-up, we have Loyal.T.

Founded by Tianyi (Tiger) Guo, King Han and Daniel Adipranoto, Loyal.T provides content creators with a tool to easily incentivise their follower engagement while building a deeper connection with the followers.

The next team, MediPal, also clinched the $10K VIP Grant.

Led by Xie Qihuang, Darice Wong, Alexander Pang and Keith Lim, MediPal functions as a digital health platform that provides personalised resources and helps patients build their community of support based on shared experiences and goals.

For our fifth team, we have Incentify.

Incentify is founded by Calvin Chng, Felicia Yong and Kok Wei Jie. Incentify seeks to address the issues of tenants paying rent late, fragmented documentation and bad landlord-tenant fit by incentifying tenants to pay rent on time through rewards.

Last but not least, we have Lovenotlone.

The founding team comprises Tiffany, Sophia and Cheryl. Lovenotlone provides a one-stop community-driven marketplace for couples to make better-informed decisions along their marriage journey.

Congratulations to the prize-winners and all teams for participating in this semester’s Pitch Night! Their engaging and innovative pitches fascinated the audience and finally bore fruit following countless rounds of ideation and hard work.

As Walt Disney once mentioned, “The way to get started is to quit talking and start doing.” We hope the insightful comments from the judges were valuable in helping these entrepreneurs in their journey of self-discovery. In addition, once again, we would also like to extend our appreciation to our panel of judges and sponsors, and our N-House Coordinator and Residential Mentors, Siti, Amir and Hussein.

Didn’t manage to attend the event, or do you wish to rewatch those amazing pitches again? Check out the recording of the event on our Facebook page here: https://fb.watch/dcweR2ayFa/

Do catch us at our next Pitch Night this coming semester.
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Welcome to NUS N-House (KR & SH), the place where entrepreneurial minds meet and live next to each other. Find out more at https://www.instagram.com/nus.nhouse.